
Friday 10th January, 2025

Keeping your child safe online.

January’s online safety newsletter has some great information about what parents should know about Fortnite Battle Royale; information about the parent movement, ‘Smartphone free Childhood’ and an overview of age ratings of popular websites and apps.

Online Safety Newsletter January 2025

Wednesday 8th January, 2025

Road Closure – 20th January – 22nd January 9am – 4pm

Please find below the link to a letter from Shropshire Highways regarding Rosehill Road

Rosehill Road Closure Letter

Tuesday 7th January, 2025

Extra Curricular Activity Opportunites

Last half term we were lucky enough to have Pudding and Pie and I Rock Music School come in for an assembly. Both companies are offering school the opportunity to host a lunchtime cooking club and an afternoon session (during school) for budding musical artists. The information is below and parents will need to book direct with the companies. If there is enough interest in the clubs they could start as early as next week.



iRock School Letter


Tuesday 17th December, 2024

Pudding & Pie Lunchtime Club

I am sure the children told you about the Pudding & Pie assembly they took part in this week. We have been very lucky that they have been able to offer us a lunchtime club which you can enrol your child/ren on starting on the 15th January. There is a link to a  letter below with the details of how to enrol. There is also a link to the recipe the children took part in.

Pudding & Pie Lunch Club Letter

Chocolate Orange Snowballs

Monday 9th December, 2024

Darwin Maths Club

It is our final Code Club next Monday (although the Code Clubbers have suggested that they may continue to run the lunch time club for a while after Christmas). After-school Code club will make a reappearance in the summer term.

Darwin Maths Club will begin on Monday 3rd of February and will run up until the week of the SATs – the final session taking place on Monday 12th May (the first day of the SATs tests).

Maths club is an excellent opportunity to review and revisit tricky areas of maths; undertake personalised maths learning and spend time looking at questions from previous test papers. We even have the time to squeeze in a maths game now and again!

Maths club is open to all Year 6 pupils and is free of charge. It runs straight after school until 4:30 on Mondays. There is no need to book ahead – just let me know on the day if your child is staying. Children can attend all, or some, of the sessions.

I will remind you about Maths Club towards the end of January!

Mrs. E.

Thursday 5th December, 2024

HAF Programme, Parent courses

Dear Parents/ Carers,
We will be running 2 a day HAF holiday club (multi sports and activities) on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd January 2024. All the details are within the online booking links below. One link is for eligble free school meal children where you can use your unique booking code to book on and the other is for paid places.
Shropshire Council has funded us to provide 40 free school meal places per day. At the moment we have only received 8 bookings per day. These available places may be removed from us and awarded to other venues, where there is a greater demand if they aren’t needed. I understand the winter holidays does have a lower turnout than Easter and Summer but if you are wishing to book your children on, please do so by the end of next week (Friday 13th December) so I can update Alexa Pugh who organises the HAF programme for Shropshire.
This will be the final reminder before text confirmations start to go out next week, to those who have booked on. Booking links are at the bottom.
Kind Regards
Jason Roberts – Activsports
Free School Meals Booking Link – https://forms.office.com/r/sa8zQdY8SY
Paid Places Booking Link – https://forms.office.com/r/2P9090RdWM
Wednesday 4th December, 2024

School Admission Consultation

Please find below a letter from the Local Authority regarding a consultation exercise on School Admission Arrangements for 2026/27. The consultation will begin today, 4th December 2024 and continue until 22nd January 2025.
On behalf of the Local Authority,