Early Years Foundation Stage
In the Early Years at Stoke on Tern the majority of learning is through play. It is through these play activities that your child gains experiences that will prepare them for their continuing learning journey. We understand that every child is unique, that they have their own interests, strengths, and areas of development therefore we adapt learning to support all children. At Stoke-On-Tern we use the Cornerstones curriculum. As part of this curriculum, each half term we follow a main topic as well as a supporting topic. These topics cover all areas of learning linked to the Early Years Framework. Throughout the year the children will build on knowledge and skills previously taught to further their development.
Alongside the Cornerstones Curriculum, we follow the ‘Shropshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education’ and ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum. We also follow the three core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World to support learning in Personal, Social, and Emotional Development. Music is a hugely significant part of learning in the early years and music is supported by our music specialist.
The Early Years Framework
Prime Areas of Learning:
- Communication & Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development.
Specific Areas:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts & Design
Starting School
Starting school is a hugely significant event in a child’s life, for both children and parents/carers. At Stoke-on-Tern we wish for the start of school to be an enjoyable and exciting time for every child. During our transition days we invite the children to meet their teacher and new classmates, as well spending time in their new classroom before starting school in September. We hope this experience helps your child to feel reassured and happy about starting school.
At home please discuss with your child all the new things that they will be learning about as well as all the new friends that they will make. We understand that starting school may be a little bit daunting for your child however if you or your child have any concerns please speak to their class teacher so we can do our best to support them.
There are some ways in which you can support your child at home and help them prepare for school life:
- · Recognise their own names written down, helping them to identify their name labels
- · Begin to write their names starting with a capital letter
- · Handle and enjoy books
- · Enjoy singing songs, reading and counting together
- · Use crayons, pencils, playdoh, paints, scissors etc
- · Dress and undress on their own and recognise their belongings
- · Go to the toilet alone, wipe themselves, flush the toilet, wash and dry their hands
- · Blow their nose
- · Use a knife and fork, spoon, cup and drinking straw
- · Share things and take turns
- · Answer questions and use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
- · Clear up toys, games or puzzles
- · Develop a good bedtime and morning routine to help your child feel prepared for the day ahead
At Stoke-on-Tern we use the online learning journal Tapestry. This provides parents with an opportunity to see what their child has been doing during the school day and is a good starting point for children to talk about their day.
If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please come and discuss them with a member of staff. It is important that you are always positive and supportive about school in front of your child as this will help them to settle and feel secure.
Our EYFS lead is Miss Sarah Williams
Our EYFS curriculum overviews:
EYFS cornerstones curriculum overview
EYFS overview 2023/24
Hawkstone Overview 2024 2025
Useful Websites for Parents:
Development Matters
NSPCC Net Aware