Today’s activities are as follows:
Spring is here and even though we haven’t had the good weather we had last weekend it is still nice to see the spring flowers coming into bloom. Perhaps you could look at some more carefully today. Just doing one activity can cover so many areas of the EYFS curriculum.
Maths- count the petals on the flowers, discuss their size, shape and colour. How many spring flowers do you have in your garden? How many would you have if you took one inside?
Understanding the World – Learn the names of some flowers and discuss what they need to grow. If you have a magnifying glass use that to look at the underside of a snowdrop or the inside of a crocus.
Art and Design – Maybe you could draw or paint some spring flowers, and discuss their colour and texture.

P.D. – handling small tools in the garden helps with fine motor skills. Washing your hands afterwards and discussing hygiene is all part of this area of the curriculum.
Most important is the time you spend talking to your child, introducing new vocabulary and encouraging their language. Don’t under estimate the impact that this has on their future development.
Perhaps this afternoon you could begin to encourage your child to get prepared for school on Monday. Maybe help them to get their uniform ready. Decide what snack they will take on their first day back. They could draw a picture to show everyone. Help your child to be part of this so they are preparing themselves for coming back.
Have a good day.