Stoke-on-Tern Nursery has been running on the school site for many years but officially became part of school in January 2015. At that time the Nursery moved into the main school building and has since grown from strength to strength.
Along with the Reception class the Nursery forms the Early Years Foundation Stage of the school (EYFS). The Nursery gives the children a great start to their education at Stoke on Tern and provides them with a gradual transition into school where they can become familiar with the routines of school life and expected ways of working and behaving.
Nursery children are taught alongside Reception in a large, well-equipped, adjoining classroom, following a curriculum designed to support them in meeting the Early Learning Goals of the EYFS Framework.
At Stoke-on-Tern Nursery we provide a supportive, stimulating and enabling environment which gives a secure foundation for all children to become happy, confident, well rounded individuals who achieve personal success and develop a lifelong love of learning.
Our Nursery provision is led by a qualified Teacher and an experienced Early Years Practitioner who have the necessary expertise and experience to ensure that the curriculum offered to each child prepares them for their next steps in education.
We provide high quality teaching and learning experiences, led by the children’s interests and class topics which will enable every child to progress towards meeting the Early Learning Goals expected at the end of Reception. We recognise that each child will develop at their own pace and in their own way physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.
The Nursery has direct access to a safely fenced outdoor area with grassed and hard play surfaces, raised vegetable beds and a wildlife garden. We have a wide range of equipment which allows the children to develop and explore all seven areas of the EYFS. We regularly use our outside area to deliver a Forest Schools approach to enhance learning and creativity.
Parents of pre-nursery age children are regularly invited into school for ‘Stay and Play’ sessions where they can meet the nursery staff and share their children’s first experiences of nursery life. These are held on the second Thursday of each month. Visits to the nursery at other times can also be arranged.
The Nursery currently operates Mondays –Fridays, 8.45am – 3:15 pm, during term time.
For more details on applying to join please see the Nursery Admissions Policy or contact the school directly.
Nursery Fee’s policy 2024