At Stoke on Tern we encourage walking and cycling to and from school, however due to our country location, many parents drive or car share their child to school. We have plenty of parking along the road outside the school as well as bicycle racks for the more energetic.
We also have a free school bus service that runs daily, for pupils who live at Buntinsgdale Estate, Riverside Drive, Garden City, Warrant Park and Langley Dale . Even though this is a council run service, the children are escorted on each journey by a member of staff.
Generally pupils are entitled to free school transport if they attend the nearest or catchment area school to their home address. For primary schools, you must live over two miles from the school. This is measured by the nearest available route (shortest walking distance).
Application forms (TRAN/1) are available from the school, or on the Shropshire Council website if you prefer to apply on line. Alternatively, parents may contact Shropshire Council’s Customer Service Centre on 0345 678 9006 in order to make an application over the telephone.