Reporting Concerns – Child Protection.
At Stoke-on-Tern school, every child’s safety and well-being is our highest priority. We have robust safeguarding systems in place to ensure that all members of staff are aware of the role they play in ensuring the safety of our pupils. Further details of our safeguarding policies can be found on our policies page.
We strongly encourage all members of our school community, including parents, carers and pupils, to speak to us if they have any concerns about a child’s welfare – no matter how small the worry. All of our staff members receive regular child protection training and understand how to deal with issues and concerns. Alternatively, a meeting with our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Mrs. Brotherhood, can be arranged.
If it is not possible to share your concerns with school staff for whatever reason, for example during weekends or school holidays, there are other sources of advice/support:
If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999.
If you are suspicious or have any concerns that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, please follow this link: Reporting Concerns which takes you to Shropshire Safeguarding Partnership’s ‘parents and carers’ page. This page provides information about contacting the team, including the ‘First Point of Contact’ number: 0345 678 9021 and the emergency out of hours contact number: 0345 6789040.
If you have any concerns about a child information can be found via NSPCC Helpline or by calling them on 0800 800 5000.
Other useful numbers include:
Protecting Vulnerable People (West Mercia Police): 0300 333 3000
Childline: 0800 1111
If you need help or advice about issues regarding internet use, you could visit CEOP and/or Net Aware.
If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999.
Domestic Abuse & Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass Parent Letter
Accidents and Injuries
At the beginning of each session or school day, parents are requested to notify us of any accidents, incidents or injuries which may affect their child before leaving him/her at school. A note will be made of any existing injuries and how the injury was received will be recorded. A body map may be used to indicate any marks/bruises.
Staying safe using technology.
How to set up parental controls to provide your child with a safer online environment.
Parental Controls booklet 2023/4
Online safety information:
Online Safety Newsletter May 2024
Online Safety Newsletter June 2024
Online Safety Newsletter September 2024
Online Safety Newsletter Primary October 2024
Safer Schools
Stoke-on-Tern school is a ‘Safer School’.
Please read the feedback from our latest Safer School’s Parent Survey.
Safer schools Survey Feedback 2023/24
Click here to find out what this means: Our school is Safer School accredited