The school has adopted the Shropshire Council Model Statement of Health and Safety. We recognise our responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working environment for children, staff and visitors. Our first aiders are happy to help administer prescribed medication on the completion of a medical consent form. For pupils who have long term needs a health care plan will be drawn up between parents, staff & any other necessary health care professionals.
We monitor all aspects of health and safety and have established effective methods and reporting systems. We monitor potential hazards and review procedures following any incidents. There are delegated persons with training in First Aid who are responsible for regular safety reviews. In the event that your child has required First Aid you will receive a slip, like the one below, that will outline the nature of the injury and any treatment required. In the event of a head injury, however minor, we will text or telephone parents with the details.
We have regular Fire Drills when current procedures are practised and reviewed. The school has a No Smoking Policy, which is enforced throughout the school and grounds, which also includes E-cigarettes. Dogs are not allowed onto the school grounds.