Qualified school first aiders will oversee the administration of prescribed medicines to pupils if the frequency means a dose / or doses have to be given during the school day. Parents will need to sign a permission slip which can be found below.
If a child has a serious medical condition such as diabetes or requires long term medication, school will need to draw up an ‘Individual Care Plan.’ These plans are written with parents and any medical professionals involved in the child’s care.
If a child suffers with Asthma there are several forms that parents will be asked to complete: an Asthma Care plan & an Emergency Inhaler Permission Form
If a parent has any enquiries with regards to first aid medication please ask at the school office or speak to our Lead First Aider, Mrs Sue Burrows.
If your child has an accident in school and is seen by a first aider your child will be given an accident slip to bring home so you know what has happened and what treatment, if any, has been given. If a child receives a head injury parents will be informed by text informing them of the incident as soon as possible, or a telephone call if the first aider feels it is more appropriate.
Policies & Forms:
asthma policy 2021-2022
Asthma Care Plan
Emergency Inhaler Permission Form
supporting_pupils_with_medical_conditions (Including allergens) 2024
Prescribed Medication Permission Form
Accident Form