Homework in KS1

Children in KS1 will not receive formal homework to be completed at home weekly.

We do, however, hold the opinion that reading is an important aspect of any and all learning. We therefore ask that reading is also a high priority at home. 

Our reading scheme is linked to our phonics programme, Little Wandle Letters & Sounds.  It allows children to practice and apply the new digraphs and trigraphs they have learnt previously to support the progression of reading.

See below for more information on how we support children’s reading and how you can at home:



At the front and back of each Little Wandle Letters and Sounds reading book there are notes detailing how the child can be supported while reading their book. As a school, we focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension.

Click below to see what this information looks like.

Teaching Notes found in each book

Top Tips:

  1. Before your child reads their book, explore the words in the front of the book.
  2. If your child hesitates on a word, ask them to blend it out loud, tell them the first sound or give them a word that it sounds like. 
  3. If your child reads with little expression, like a robot, model reading the sentence for them using expression and have them copy you. This can improve expression, fluency, pace and confidence. 
  4. Ask Questions. Questions about facts they have read, about how characters may feel, about what might happen next, or about what they have already read. 
  5. Celebrate success! Learning to enjoy reading is all about providing lots and lots of opportunities for success. 


More ways to support at home

How to say Phase 5 Sounds with your child

Supporting Capital Letter formation with your child

Year-2 CEW

Year-1 CEW